Approval of Excess Maintenance Payments (EMP) 624-05-20-10-20

(Revised 1/12/2021 ML #3606)

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An Excess Maintenance Payment (EMP), also known as a specialized family foster care irregular payment, may apply when undue demands to care for a child are present. An EMP is allowed for a licensed or approved (Tribal Affidavit) family foster home when physical, emotional, and/or material resources are greater than expected in normal foster parenting.


Foster care case managers are required to:

  1. Complete the SFN 1865 - "Specialized Family Foster Care/Adoption Assistance Level of Care Evaluation Form" (SFN 1865) when an excess maintenance payment (EMP) is being considered for a child in foster care. Case managers must gain approval from the assigned Field Service Specialist before the EMP is submitted to eligibility for reimbursement to a provider.
  2. Facilitate the completion of and obtain signatures needed on the signed SFN 904, "Agreement to Furnish Specialized Family Foster Care Services, Excess Maintenance Payment". The duration of the signed SFN 904 agreement cannot exceed six months from the effective date or cannot exceed the placement end date of the primary provider in which the agreement is signed.

Review of the need for an EMP is required at each quarterly Child and Family Team meeting. However, at any time a foster parent or other member of the Child & Family Team may request the EMP be re-evaluated if there is a significant change in the child's functioning